Interns Create Visions of Their Futures

High schoolers who participated in the PEEKE internship program were asked to create a vision board that includes their future dreams and current inspirations. It could include the schools they wish to attend, profession they plan to be in, people who push and encourage them, companies they want to work for, hobbies they want to start or continue, places they want to live or visit..."anything and everything you want for yourself and your future!"

The project counted toward the Creativity/Innovation and Digital Technology requirements (two of 15!) they need to complete to earn the OhioMeansJobs-Readiness Seal. The OhioMeansJobs-Readiness Seal is a formal designation students can earn on their high school diplomas and transcripts indicating they have the personal strengths, strong work ethic, and professional experience that businesses need.

Enjoy these impressive displays!


Unique Partnership Introduces Manufacturing to Young Adults


Teens Earn While They Learn